Copperfields Books
Norman will read from his new books Experience: On Thinking, Writing, Language and Religion, and Magnolias All At Once.
More info: Copperfield's Books
Norman will read from his new books Experience: On Thinking, Writing, Language and Religion, and Magnolias All At Once.
More info: Copperfield's Books
Zoketsu Norman Fischer and Reigetsu Susan Moon
A reading of Norman Fischer's three new books: Magnolias All At Once, Experience: Thinking, Writing, Language and Religion, and What Is Zen? Plain Talk for a Beginner’s Mind, coauthored with Susan Moon.
Free event / $10 suggested donation
(No one turned away for lack of funds.)
For more information, please see: What Is Zen? Plain Talk for a Beginner’s Mind (Book Reading with Norman Fischer) at the SFZC website.
Zoketsu Norman Fischer and Reigetsu Susan Moon
Based on Norman’s new collection of essays, Experience: Thinking, Writing, Language and Religion, this workshop will focus on questions like: What is the core of spiritual practice? What is language, and how does it help or hinder our practice? What is religious experience, or any experience after all?
Norman will share his insights from the book and offer guided meditations and writing exercises to help us bring these questions home. There will be plenty of time for dialogue. Probably also some discussion of two more of his recent books will enter into the spirit of the day: Magnolias All At Once (poetry) and What Is Zen? Plain Talk for a Beginner’s Mind.
Fees: $80; $72 current SFZC members; $64 limited income.
Includes lunch and afternoon tea.
Some partial scholarships available.
To Register: Please visit Experience: Thinking, Writing, Language and Religion (Workshop with Norman Fischer) at the SFZC website.
Norman Fischer, poet and essayist, reading from and discussing:
Preceded by open mic for original poetry and prose.
Note: Enter from the rear parking lot off Alvarado Street.
The Writers Read series from Excuse Me, I'm Writing features guest authors, discussions and book signings, preceded by open mic for original poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction.
More info: Writers Read Presents
Norman will read from Experience: On Thinking, Writing, Language,and Religion and Magnolias All At Once.